Corporate Culture

How to create a healthy workplace environment in Singapore

Your organisation can make a difference by creating a happier and healthy workplace. In almost every company, there is scope to improve the well-being and happiness of their staff. Here's how to create a healthy workplace environment in Singapore.

What is the cost of presenteeism in Singaporean workplaces?

Presenteeism (the practice of coming to work when sick leave should be taken) may seem harmless, even commendable in its dedication to work. However, there are many hidden costs to presenteeism, and it’s important that you and your staff know how to identify and avoid it. Here are our tips.

8 warning signs that you are a bad employer

Whether you may realise or not, your staff are usually the first to become acutely aware of both your strengths and weaknesses when it comes to leading a team. Discover the tell-tale signs that your leadership style could be in question.

What to do for Employee Appreciation Day in Singapore

If you’re wondering how to express gratitude to your employees on this day and beyond, explore what to do for Employee Appreciation Day and how you can celebrate it in the most meaningful way.

How AI is transforming the workplace in Singapore

While new technologies are being embraced for the benefits they bring and the prospects they provide, how AI is transforming the Singaporean workplace also can be unknown. Read on to find out more.

12 ways to prevent employees leaving in waves

Discover why employees may decide to leave, some of the signs you should look out for and strategies you can implement to prevent employee turnover from becoming an issue.

How to prevent employee burnout when you have a skeleton staff

When some of your employees are on vacation, out on sick leave or have recently decided to leave the organisation, it’s likely your remaining staff will feel overworked. Find out what you can do to prevent your staff from burning out as a result.

How to create a flexible workforce and boost productivity

One way to combat burnout and missed deadlines is to consider a flexible approach to staffing. By using a fluid mix of full-time and temporary employees, your company can nimbly adjust to all types of business cycles.