
8 warning signs that you are a bad employer

Whether you may realise or not, your staff are usually the first to become acutely aware of both your strengths and weaknesses when it comes to leading a team. Discover the tell-tale signs that your leadership style could be in question.

8 easy ideas to improve employee satisfaction

It’s no secret that employees who are passionate about their work are key to an organisation’s success. Here are eight tips to increase and improve employee satisfaction.

How to reduce employee absenteeism and enhance retention

Now, more than ever, hiring managers need to consider strategies to reduce employee absenteeism and enhance retention. Non-monetary incentives are particularly important for organisations who aren’t in a financial position to offer a higher take-home pay.

12 ways to prevent employees leaving in waves

Discover why employees may decide to leave, some of the signs you should look out for and strategies you can implement to prevent employee turnover from becoming an issue.

Why staff retention should be top of mind post-COVID 19 (and how to improve it)

Companies that lose sight of their staff retention strategy as they navigate COVID-19 could be at risk of a staff exodus when the market rebounds. With a focus on sustained effort and long-term thinking vital to effective staff retention initiatives, here are some timely and relevant ways to maintain a loyal workforce – both now and post-pandemic.