Employer articles

Being a manager often means juggling between recruiting new staff and leading your current team. While there are no shortcuts when it comes to being an employer, there are ways to stay ahead of hiring and market trends. Ensure that your recruitment and management strategy is compelling with insights from an expert recruitment agency in Singapore.

Hiring the right employee: 10 red flags to watch out for

Finding the right employee can often be similar to finding the right partner. Someone who looks good on paper, is not necessarily the best person for the job. Here are some common deal-breakers to consider when looking at hiring the right employee.

6 ways to encourage innovation on your team

Business innovation is the backbone of every successful company. Is your team working towards setting your business apart from the competition? Discover six ways to encourage innovation with your team.

5 management myths that need hard facts

Problems can appear when managers don't use their own common sense. We dispel some of the most persistent management myths in companies.