Employer articles

Being a manager often means juggling between recruiting new staff and leading your current team. While there are no shortcuts when it comes to being an employer, there are ways to stay ahead of hiring and market trends. Ensure that your recruitment and management strategy is compelling with insights from an expert recruitment agency in Singapore.

4 steps to cloud security that every business should know

While cloud computing has been a gateway to new opportunities for many businesses, this digital streamline has also opened the door to many new security risks that companies may not have previously realised. Here are four steps to ensure you and your employees are on top of cloud security.

6 ways to prevent a toxic workplace culture

As a manager or team leader, it's natural to want the best out of your team. But are you unknowingly creating a toxic workplace in your quest for results?

Employee underperformance: Are you part of the problem?

If you find a team member slipping up at work, it helps to ask yourself certain questions first before confronting them about their lacklustre performance. Ask yourself these questions first before confronting your employees about their lacklustre performance.